Caring hands (Wiltshire) provides a residential care home with out nursing for individuals of 60 years and above, however in exceptional cases Caring Hands (Wiltshire) will consider accommodating a client below this age range. This will only be the case if Caring Hands (Wiltshire) is able to meet the needs of the individual.
We offer a maximum of 7 service users. We have 5 single rooms all with ensuite facilities and a double respite room with en-suite. We offer a pre-bookable respite service.
Professional support with personal care when necessary is included in the service. Our service band accommodates older people, sensory impairment, physical disabilities, and dementia. We also offer a carers relief sitting service to accommodate specific needs.
The regulated activities are registered for accommodation for individual who require nursing or personal care. These activities have been registered with the care quality commission.
Client requiring pre-bookable respite care, will be invited to attend a appointment at Caring Hands (Wiltshire) to view the ensuite respite facilities and a holistic assessment to be undertaken. After viewing the facilities completion of the assessment and when all parties are in agreement with the respite care stay a booking form will be completed. An assessment will take place within the clients home as long as the client lives within a 30mile radius of battle lake farm. Clients who wish to spend time at Battle lake farm who live outside this area can be sent an assessment form to complete themselves.
From the assessment and information that is shared, a clients individual needs will be identified and their preferences can be understood. Risks for an individual can be highlighted. Risks will be managed accordingly, enabling each client to experience a safe and positive stay at Caring Hands (Wiltshire)If the assessment is completed by another, to access the respite service, then we will expect the person to bring the individual to the farm. Caring Hands (Wiltshire) will have the right in any circumstance to decline a visit, if it is felt that the clients needs could not be met at the time of arrival. The escort will have full responsibility to take the individual away from the premises and the deposit will be withheld. Battle lake farm will offer a home from home environment providing good health and emotion wellbeing.